Keio University, Graduate School of Media and Governance
MAUI Project
Ph.D. Dissertation

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TITLE On Controllable Multicast Communication in the Internet
ABSTRACT Implementing the controllable multicast communication is the fundamental study to deploy IP multicast services in the Internet. The corresponding architecture works with a scalable IP multicast routing protocol, while the routing scalability pertains to a source address discovery procedure in a multicast routing protocol.

Accordingly, source-specific multicast communication is beneficial to fulfill the demand as it eliminates the source address discovery procedure from IP multicast routing protocols and avoids the routing protocol complexity. We therefore proposed the host-side protocols to enable the source-specific multicast communication and the Multicast Source Filtering (MSF) mechanism to manage join states of all active applications running on the host. The MSF mechanism consists of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) and a state transition mechanism. The MSF state transition mechanism maintains the interface state (per network interface) and the socket state (per application), and calculates the current join states the receiver host has. To evaluate the protocol behavior, we investigated the performance of the implementations and showed there was no big performance impact in the protocol execution.

Regarding the source address discovery procedure, we highlighted the limitations of the current Session Announcement Protocol (SAP), including message retransmission delay and administrative problem due to periodical message flooding to all potential receivers. In this dissertation, we formulated the requirements of an ideal multicast session announcement system, and introduced a distributed session directory system called Channel Reflector (CR). CR supports session announcement scoping in which each multicast session is announced only to the pre-determined destinations, and provides a feasible session announcement mechanism to a large number of Internet users. We described the CR's actual implementation, measured the session synchronization delay, and evaluated it properly worked in the Internet.

This dissertation proposed a controllable multicast communication architecture that integrates a data sender, a data receiver, a multicast router, and Channel Reflector. While CR defines each scope area at the session announcement level, a multicast router that cooperates with own site CR defines data distribution networks at the routing level. A multicast router in this architecture verifies all join requests sent from data receivers on the same LAN and forwards the join messages to its upstream routers to establish appropriate multicast routing paths.

CONTACT To obtain the whole paper, please contact;
Hitoshi Asaeda (

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